Rey’s reincarnation theory is crazy

If you're already feeling dizzy with all the theories surrounding Rey's mysterious past in the latest Star Wars , you might want to grab a seat. While fan theories speculate that she is a relative of either Skywalker or Kenobi, some have gone a step further and speculated that Rey is the reincarnation of Darth Vader — or, more appropriately, the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker. Yes, you’re probably laughing out loud reading this now, but hear me out – I’m a non-believer too. But this theory, put forward by Reddit user Coolshortsbro, has such bizarre support that you'll want to rush into the theater right after reading it, just to check out everything they mentioned.

Before we continue, a reminder: one thing Anakin Skywalker, Rey, and Kylo Ren have in common is that they are born extremely sensitive to the Force and have the potential to harness both the light and dark sides of the Force. Even our sweet cinnamon roll Rey has had some ominous brushes with the darkness, as is carefully shown - she almost sells BB-8, and she falls for the sight of a seemingly defenseless Kylo Ren Shots are fired (an example highlighted in the novel), and she comes on very well. Almost killed Kylo Ren during the final battle in the forest. So, if you're stuck with this theory because you think Rey is too far in the light for it to be true, consider that at one point, Darth Vader was also a cute little angel named Anakin ·Skywalker, every bit like Anakin Skywalker. Like Rey, either light or dark has a lot of potential.

Of course, this is just a coincidence and doesn't necessarily support the theory of reincarnation - but here are a few points that might start to convince you:

Their origin stories are very similar

These poor little sand babies have a surprising number of common origins. Anakin was enslaved on the desert planet Tattoo, relying on his technological prowess to survive, and was eventually freed by his incredible piloting abilities. Likewise, Rey relies on her scavenging skills to survive on the desert planet Jakku, where she's trapped in an unforgivable cycle of what's essentially slavery - and she also uses her uncanny ability to pilot a ship with no actual experience as a means of escape. Of course, the similarities in their upbringings and talents are no accident, and by themselves they do little to support the theory of reincarnation, but they are nonetheless worth noting in the future.

Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber calls to her—even beyond Kylo Ren

To some extent, we all jumped on the "Rey is Luke's secret daughter" train, mostly because his lightsaber calls out to her; others jumped on the "Rey is Kenobi" train because In her Force vision, she heard Obi-Wan's voice say, "Rey, this is your first step." But consider the possibility that the lightsaber wasn't calling Rey because it belonged to Luke. Rather, it's because it belongs to her —or rather, the version of her that once was Anakin, before Darth Vader took his turn to kill him on the dark side.

When you look at it from this perspective, we even get an idea of ​​Obi-Wan Kenobi's voice in Vision. Fun fact: The line "This is your first step" was recorded by a young Obi-Wan Ewan McGregor, but the name "Rey" was actually coined by the late actor Alec "A splicing of Guinness's voice when he said the word "fear." They included Kenobis in this vision; Kenobi trained and loved Anakin Skywalker, and spent decades Kenobi was killed in the effort to save him. If you look at it from a reincarnation perspective, then their fates are intertwined even in the afterlife - Obi-Wan Kenobi continues to mentor his apprentice.

We also have to consider the fact that at Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren and Rey simultaneously summoned Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, which flew past him and fell into her hands. She managed to snatch Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber out from under his grandson. It's hard to argue that Lando overwhelms Kylo Ren's legacy. The reincarnation theory is just another of several possible theories as to why the lightsaber came to her.

They both have extremely vivid visions of the Force, and they're both afraid of them

We learn from Kylo Ren's interrogation of Rey that she's afraid of falling asleep and that she's haunted by dreams of an island - likely the same island where she eventually found Luke Skywalker. Her Force vision of Takodana wasn't the first in that regard. She'd spent most of her life experiencing Force visions without knowing what they were - something that's fairly rare even among Jedi. Anakin Skywalker was also tuned into a Force-sensitive frequency, haunted by Force visions of the future that he was determined to avoid or change. They react to their visions by immediately trying to outrun them - like, in Rey's case, she practically storms out of the cantina, and in Anakin's case, he violently tells Padmé , the fact that he dreamed that she died in childbirth did not exist. will be achieved.

Force visions aside, they all possess immense raw, untapped Force potential that can manifest even at a young age. Judging from Anakin's ability to pilot a podracer in his first actual race and the fact that he built C-3PO and speaks a ton of languages, this means Anakin's learning curve is pretty crazy. Rey must have also gone through an amazingly brutal learning curve to be able to pull off all of the Scavenger stunts a decade before the events of the film, and she managed to perform a mind trick on a stormtrooper almost on her first try. Of course, it's possible that they're completely unrelated and both happen to have a strong connection to the Force - but if the theory of reincarnation happens to be true, it would certainly match up with the similarities in their Force-driven abilities.

This would explain why Darth Vader hasn't used the Force to rip Kylo Ren out of a new piece of paper

Rey is the key to Kylo Ren's path to redemption. We can speculate from their interactions, the juxtaposition of light and dark, and how they are seduced by each other's light and darkness.

Beyond that, though, we can't help but wonder - where exactly is Darth Vader/Anakin in all this? You'd think that when Kylo Ren loses control, he'd find some ghostly way to say, "Yo, Ben, you might be slightly misunderstanding what this whole dark side thing is about." If they ended up reintroducing him into the narrative to guide Kylo Ren away from the darkness, it would definitely lose a lot of its impact since he already did an unforgivably big bad thing in killing Han Solo. If there was a time to intervene, it was before Kylo Ren beat him up.

But here's the thing - Anakin Skywalker isn't coming to fix Kylo Ren because he's already there. In Rey. Rey's fate is so inexplicably tied to Kylo Ren's that she is the only one who can bring him into the Light because she is the force from which Kylo Ren draws his misguided inspiration . Also important to consider: Han and Leia named their son "Ben" after Ben Kenobi Sr. If Rey is indeed the reincarnation of Darth Vader, Obi-Wan and Anakin will be at odds again - and once she fixes him, Skywalker's evil legacy will finally end its cycle and Darth Vader will Get legal salvation.

Image: Disney; Jiffy