Hulu's meta-comedy "Reboot" premiered on September 20 and has completed its first season. "Reboot" chronicles a show within a show, telling the story of the cast of the 2000s fictional series "Step Right Up" as they reunite a decade later to reboot their show. . But the landscape of the entertainment industry has changed over the past few decades, pushing writers and estranged actors into a whole new dynamic of fame. At its core, the show is about second chances, but does that mean there will be a second season?
The first season just ended, and while the Hulu series depicts the inner workings of the network, the show's actual network has yet to make a decision about its future. But the show has one major advantage, and that's its creator. Steve Levitan was a member of the creative team behind the hit "Modern Family," which ran for 11 seasons on ABC. As it stands, Levitan will have plenty of material if the show is renewed for another year. "We'd just sit around and talk, and then someone would say, 'Oh, this reminds me of something that happened,'" he told Variety in a September 2022 interview. "Then [the writers] refined it in the next week's script."
The showrunner also told Entertainment Weekly how his experience on "The Reboot" will inspire the second season. "I think in season two we'll get into the premiere of the show and everything that goes with it," he said. "As someone who just experienced a premiere, it was something new for me to delve into what it's like to launch a show that the world can comment on in this day and age."
Learn more about what to expect if Reboot is renewed for Season 2.
Reboot Season 2 Premiere Date
If "The Reboot" is greenlighted, Season 2 could premiere a year after the first. Compared to other shows on TV and streaming services, "The Reboot" isn't overly effects-heavy, nor is it filmed in far-flung locations — the show is filmed on the Fox Network's lot in Los Angeles, California. In this case, one can expect that the second season may arrive on the same production schedule as the first season and premiere in September 2023.
Reboot Season 2 Cast
The first season of Reboot has a talented cast, with stars Judy Greer and Keegan-Michael Key leading a cast that includes Callum Worthy ( The Act), Rachel Bloom, Paul Reiser ( Stranger Things), Krista Marie Yu ( Crazy Ex-Girlfriend ). Dr. Ken) and Johnny Knoxville.
According to Variety , Key mentioned similarities between him and his character Reed. "I was probably a little bit like him when I was younger," he said. In the same interview, Bloom also explained how she connected with her on-screen counterpart. “The way Hannah recreates her trauma in the art she creates is a very one-to-one parallel to what I do,” she says. Ultimately, Greer attributed the success of the character to Levitan's talent. "I think the characters that Steve created gave everyone something to root for," she told Variety .
In separate interviews with Variety , both Reiser and Knoxville explained the appeal of their respective characters. For his part, Reiser seemed ready to go when he received the script and thought it was great. Knoxville was drawn to the "colorful character" and "demons" present in his character Clay. "He's trying to do the best he can. He doesn't always do it in the best way, but he's trying to be consistent. You kind of like that guy." While this is far from confirmed, the actors The connections to the characters will certainly pave the way for more seasons.
This article will be updated as more information about Reboot Season 2 becomes available .