I feel a little behind the times because I didn't even know it was a thing. I mean, I already knew you could rate your Uber driver - but vice versa, I certainly didn't know. I have good news on that front, too: If you’re wondering how to find Uber rider ratings, it’s now easier than ever. Obviously, you used to have to email Uber's customer service and ask them; now, you just follow a few steps, click a few buttons in your account, and voila! Your score is revealed.
Honestly, I like this idea. There are all kinds of ugly stories in the news about Uber drivers who don't follow the rules, but let's not forget that drivers can become victims, too. Being able to better evaluate each other ensures that customers, such as drivers, are on their best behavior. It turns out that if you misbehave, your score can drop so much that you have trouble getting a ride; you might even be kicked out of the Uber system entirely.
I logged into my boyfriend's Uber account and did some PI work to figure out how to find your rating as a customer. You can do this on both the desktop version and the app; I find the desktop way to be easiest, but just so that we've covered all the bases, I've included instructions for both methods here. Let's start with...
On the desktop:
1. Visit the Uber Help Center
Once you're signed into your Uber account, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll find a link to the Help Center. Click this button.
2. Use Uber’s search box
Enter "passenger ratings" in the search box on the next page. You should see a few options appear, one of which is "I want to know my rating." Click this button.
3. Request your rating
You may encounter extra steps here, but don't worry. For whatever reason, the next page tells me I need to log in to continue, even though I'm already logged in. So I clicked "Sign in for help" anyway.
I was taken here without logging in again; the next page that pops up is what you want to see. Click "Submit" at the bottom.
4. Know your destiny
I thought it would take a few minutes for the results to show up, but the results were immediate. My boyfriend's rating is a perfect five stars.
It won't hurt too much, right? If you use the Uber app on your mobile device, you can easily get rider ratings. That's it.
On the app:
1. Access all your profile options
Sign in and click your profile icon in the upper left corner. Then...
...click the Help button.
2. Go to your account settings
Click "Account" and a menu will open with many new options:
Select "I want to know my rating."
3. Click "Submit"
Just like the desktop version!
4. Please give the results
Now you have it!
Image: Megan Grant/Bustle (11)