In the third installment of his Netflix documentary series "Feed Phil," Phil Rosenthal's culinary adventures take him to Marrakech, Chicago, London, Seoul, and Montreal. There's more travel (and food) ahead: Somebody Feed Phil will return for a fourth season, probably sooner rather than later. Netflix ordered an additional 10 episodes of the show in May 2019, and although a premiere date has yet to be announced, a rep for the streaming giant confirmed to Bustle that the remaining five episodes have already been filmed.
The first two seasons of "Somebody Feed Phil" premiered in January and July 2018, approximately six months apart. If Netflix follows the same schedule, fans can expect to see season 4 around November. However, the company didn't announce the premiere date for Season 3 until April, just over a month after release. Therefore, the official premiere date for Season 4 may not be confirmed until October.
Rosenthal, who received his 13th career Emmy nomination in 2019 for "Somebody Feed Phil ," previewed what's in store for future seasons in an interview with Deadline in August. He said there will be more domestic locations because he understands "not everyone can afford to travel overseas" and he hopes to inspire travel of all kinds.
"Again, just getting off the couch is a victory. Just going to the next town and down the street to a Peruvian restaurant that you're afraid to go to because you don't know anything about Peruvian food," he explains. “You can even travel within your own town, so I feel like my job is to get you interested in good things.”
Rosenthal's humorous approach to exploring new cultures and cuisines has already captivated viewers for more than a dozen episodes, and he will no doubt deliver more of the same whenever a fourth season arrives in the future.