6 Tips for Hosting a Thanksgiving Party on Zoom This Year

The holidays have officially begun, and it promises to be a different one for family albums. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed restrictions on travel and visiting loved ones for most of us, and Thanksgiving is no exception. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy a meal with friends and family in the comfort of your own home.

You're probably used to having work meetings, doctor's appointments and even happy hours over Zoom, but how do you host your first holiday party? While Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to express gratitude to our loved ones, it's often criticized for having to deal with pesky relatives. Everyone has to explain something at some point, like why climate change is very real, why you 're still single, not to mention, your politics and why black lives do matter. This year, however, you can be thankful because you don't have to meet your racist Aunt Sally—at least in person.

So, how exactly do you host the best Thanksgiving party on Zoom? Get ready to host a virtual feast that lasts forever. This is the breakdown you need to read carefully.

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Step 1: Recipe Exchange

It has to be prepared before throwing it into the kitchen. Since we’re all cooking our own meals this year, if you live nearby, swap your favorite side dish recipes with your guests a few days in advance for added spice. Need a great recipe to share? Try these unique dishes and you're sure to bring something new to the table.

Step 2: Cook together

Part of the celebration is gathering together to prepare food. Prop your tablet or laptop with your loved one and hunker down in the kitchen. New to cooking? Ask a friend or relative to take a virtual class.

Step 3: Prepare the background and table

You already know how to create the perfect Zoom background for your meetings, but what about Thanksgiving? While the food is cooking in the oven, unfold the cornucopia and decorative leaves to give your guests and yourself something truly a feast for the eyes.

Step 4: Start digging

The best part of Thanksgiving is here! A good host always starts the discussion with a toast, so be sure to grab some ideas and include your guests by asking what everyone is grateful for. Grab your plate, sit down with your friends and enjoy your virtual feast. Share your favorite Turkey Day jokes and memories to keep the conversation fun and interesting. Just try not to get any gravy on your laptop from laughing so hard.

Step Five: Game Time

How could Thanksgiving be without some games? Since the outbreak, many home virtual gaming sites have popped up. From Uno to Jackbox games, you might start the night with gratitude and end it with some anxiety.

Step 6: End the night with a holiday movie

Assuming you don't make any enemies during the game, end your Thanksgiving meal with a movie. Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving is always a classic, but if you’re officially over the holidays at this point, there’s nothing wrong with throwing on a Christmas movie to ring in the next big holiday!