I don't actually use Uber or Lyft, but anyone who has is aware that passengers rate drivers on a scale of one to five stars. However, what most people didn’t know until recently was that Uber drivers can also rate passengers. Unlike rider ratings, these ratings are not publicly viewable; their role is to warn drivers about difficult passengers, allowing them to know ahead of time what they're getting into, or to forego the fare altogether. In the context of the whole "sharing economy," this makes sense, so I think it's ultimately not surprising.
After posting on Medium instructing Uber riders on how to check their ratings (via a system vulnerability that Uber has patched), the Daily Dot's Aaron Sankin set out to find out on Reddit and in real life from Uber drivers themselves what their riders can do to earn Better ratings. As Sangin pointed out in the last TL;DR of the Reddit post, they almost all fall under the general rubric of "don't be a jerk"; after all, drivers are human beings, and both Uber and Lyft are essentially high-tech ride-hailing services . Sankin got some really good stories from the riders he talked to IRL, so head over to the Daily Dot to read them; also, according to Reddit, in order to get a good rider rating, you should never rate your Uber drivers do things like this:
1. Deliberately damaging someone’s vehicle
Why are you doing this ? Would you do this to your own car? go to friend's home? To a real taxi? No. So how on earth is this allowed to be done to anyone ’s car?
2. Create chaos
Again: This is someone's real car. Don’t be a jerk, and especially don’t be a chaotic jerk.
3. Putting the pin in the wrong place and not admitting your mistake
It's annoying enough, going to where the pin indicates you should go only to find no one there. It's even worse when you place the blame on something other than your own fault.
4. Ignoring punctuality
this? Oh my god. This annoys me. a lot of. Nothing irritates me more than setting a time for a meeting or event and then having other people or groups show up late. Why is it so hard to be on time? If you know you have a problem with punctuality, start developing some strategies to address the issue. seriously. It's rude to make people wait.
5. No tipping
To be fair, Uber’s tipping system is clearly terrible, and it’s not the passengers’ fault. However, since America is generally a tipping society, if you can spare a few bucks, do so. You might make someone happy, and if you're lucky, they'll keep giving from there. Everyone wins.
6. Vulgar behavior
I would also extend this definition to include cutting toes or nails, picking noses, vomiting, smoking, etc.
7. Poor personal hygiene
Okay, so sometimes, a little BO is unavoidable; it 's summer after all. Still, I can understand the inevitable unpleasantness caused by smelly passengers.
8. Holding an unnecessary negative attitude
See also: Don’t be a jerk.
9. Too personal
Yes, that’s great if you can’t ask your Uber driver out on a date.
Image: Giphy (3)