I never imagined what the beach could do for me—until I realized how good sand is for your skin and how great a DIY foot scrub you can make with it is. If you've ever noticed how good sand feels under your feet, you won't be surprised to learn that sand has many health benefits. According to Livestrong's sources, just walking barefoot on the sand strengthens our bodies by using muscles that aren't needed when wearing shoes. Anyone who's ever been to the beach knows that when you empty your beach bag, there's sand everywhere . It can be a hassle to clean, but sand can also make your feet incredibly soft.
For many people, the beach offers endless entertainment or a peaceful atmosphere with pleasant sea breezes. The ocean has always seemed scary and unsanitary to me. My only ocean experience as a child was on a coed outing, first with the boys. As I carefully stood up in the water, a boy came up to me, yelled, "Haha, you're standing in my pee," and swam away. I think from then on I said goodbye to the sea completely. Recently, however, I've realized that I can't let my unfounded fear of the ocean stop me from getting the fresh sand that's so good for my skin. Eventually, I knew I had to get out there and collect my own sand to give my feet the soothing, exfoliating scrub they deserved.
Here's how I make my own sand scrub.
1. Gather your sand
If going to the beach isn't an option, try a local craft store. Of course, the benefits of collecting your own sand are that it's free and you can be sure that your product is completely natural, but store-bought sand will work too.
2. Clean up the sand
I had to do a lot of weeding of the sand before I was ready for the beauty DIY. You can pick out the larger pieces of sand with your hands and pass the sand through a colander to make sure there's nothing dirty in it. Before using the sand, check it for shells, trash, and rocks as they may cause cuts. Ouch!
3. Add your favorite carrier oil
Obviously, using straight sand on your body will not give you the best results. Choose a carrier oil that has the added benefit of softening your sand for use. I used a tablespoon of sesame oil and a quarter cup of sunflower oil. I then added a half cup of sand to a medium mixing bowl.
4. Add some essential oils
To make my sand smell like a lovely bouquet, I added some of my favorite essential oils (juniper, vetiver, and clary sage) which are great for dry skin and are antiseptic in nature effect.
5. Mix all ingredients together
I mixed everything together with a wooden spoon and placed the new scrub into a sealable container. You can use a blender to make it smoother, but since this scrub is meant for the tough skin of your feet, you don't have to worry too much about being a little rough.
6. Practice it
Soak or rinse your feet with warm water before exfoliating. This will allow your feet to absorb moisture and stay hydrated during and after the exfoliation.
7. Experience sand scrub
Use a new sand scrub to gently exfoliate your feet, starting between your toes and focusing on rough areas. I did this for about five minutes and my feet felt so soft all day long. This is a great night scrub that you can use a few times a week, even after the weather starts to get cooler.
Image: Christine Collins Jackson