If you're like me, you'll be excited about ITV's psychological thriller Sisters . The series was created by Rudd 's Neil Cross, based on his novel Buried 2009, and stars Amirta Acharya, Bertie Cavill and Russell Tovey. But is Russell Tovey married?
Well, the short answer is no, he's not married. But that's pretty much him. In fact, Tovey and her boyfriend, fitness trainer and football player Steve Brockman, got engaged in February 2018, according to E!
At the time, Tovey told the Daily Mail that the engagement was "completely unexpected" but that he was "very, very happy and looking forward to having a proper party to celebrate". It's unclear how long the pair have been together, but they were seen out and about together last year (2017).
In June 2018, it was revealed that the pair had sadly decided to end their engagement and go their separate ways. When Tovey was asked by a fan on his Instagram if he was still with Brockman (who appears to have deleted his photo from his page), Tovey responded: "No darling, this one The news came to light. However, Tovey and Brockman confirmed they had reconciled in August 2019. Whether they're still engaged is another matter. "Well, I don't know how it works. Because we were, then we broke up and now we're back together," Tovey told The Daily Telegraph . "Is it like Snakes and Ladders? Do you go back to the beginning of the game and start over?"
There's also the small problem that there's no ring anymore. "I sold it, got the money, and gave it to my brother, who was taking his family to Disney World," the actor explained. "I gave him the check and said, 'Use this to buy candy.' I didn't want the money, I just wanted a big exorcism."
Tovey plays Nathan in ITV's new drama Sisters , which premieres tonight (October 26). Nathan is haunted by an incident that happened before he met his wife, Holly (Amrita Acharya), and he will do anything to protect her from it. Holly has her own demons to contend with, as her sister Elise (played by Simone Ashley) disappeared without a trace on New Year's Eve 2009. Are the two incidents related? who knows.
Ahead of tonight's premiere, you can watch the trailer for Sister below:
Sisters starts tonight (Monday 26 October) at 9pm on ITV and the ITV Hub. The four-part series will air over four consecutive nights.